September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    For me, it’s a book called ‘When You Reach Me’ by Rebecca Stead.

    Each chapter title fit in with the story. The main character’s mom is gonna be a contestant on a show where she has to name things under a category like ‘things that burn’ or ‘things that fly’ and the whole story is supposedly written as a letter by the main character so most chapter titles are in that same manner like ‘things that…’ or ‘(adj) things’ .

    To take things further, what happen in a chapter connects to the chapter title both literally and figuratively. It’s like the mc is listing things under that category while also moving the story forward at the same time.

    Every plot points get a closure, every character has their role in the story, and every sentence is there for a reason. I really love how everything just comes together at the end beautifully.

    Have you guys read any book like that? And in what sense did it make you feel that way about it?

    by pxa_wsle

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