September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi, newcomer here!

    When I was younger I loved reading Narnia, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings – as I got older all fantasy books I tried just did not click with me, especially the writing/prose.

    I tried GoT, Blade Itself, Neverwhere, American Gods and more, but I felt too disconnected to it, i.e. I did not get sucked in and the characters/interactions/world did not feel “real”. I was never engaged and could not take it “seriously”.

    However, I enjoy the works above in TV/movie format a lot. So with your help I was hoping to get an answer to if:

    a) Fantasy is not for me and I should focus my efforts on finding another genre(s)
    b) I have just not found the right “style” of fantasy (i.e. something not close to Sanderson, Gaiman etc.)

    So please, are there books you would suggest that you think is worth a shot based on what I described above? Or am I being too stubborn holding out for one just because I used to like them and still watch Fantasy 🙂


    by tikipon

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