September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    If you have ever been 57th on the hold list for a book your local volunteer-run community library is the life hack you have been waiting for!

    I volunteer in my local community library. It isn’t as big and shiny as the city libraries and we don’t have the same range *but* we make a real effort to get in popular books and will happily order in the books you request. We barely get any patronage and honestly most of the people who do come in are after anything but books. This means we have lots of new releases and popular books that have massive amounts of holds at the city library just sitting there on the shelf prime for the borrowing.

    I absolutely implore you to find out if you have a volunteer-run community library near you, they need your support and you won’t regret joining. Hope this post is ok here!

    by mothwomanz

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