September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I am looking for YA Fantasy published within the last three years that fits this (WIP) query letter:

    >Seventeen-year-old Faline lives in \[NAME\], the queendom of bees, as a human servant and attendant to one of its four princesses. Life within \[NAME\] is like living beneath a waiting execution stand. To the worker bees, Faline is meat. To some of the princesses, Faline is a living experiment and entertainment. Thus, when Queen Maud announces the addition of a human princess named Yara, Faline is intrigued, but infuriated. Commanded by Luciere, the one-eyed princess Faline serves under, Faline goes to find out the truth behind Yara’s presence.
    Her initial interactions with Yara are antagonistic, but the latter’s words pertaining to Faline’s servitude stick to Faline like poison. Due to the open cruelties done by the princesses, Faline finally sees a thread of commonality between her and Yara. Before anything else can happen, the bodies of young human girls appear in Arisham, all of whom have connections to Yara. Faline now must decide what she has to be. To stay the obedient servant and turn a blind eye or help Yara uncover the culprit behind the murders and find the rest of the girls — because she may end up becoming the next body.

    \*\**\[NAME\] is just placeholder until I find a better name.*

    I already have *The Stolen Heir* as one of the comp for the style but may need to replace it. Looking for two recs! I’m also open for any unpublished debuts if the summary fits.

    by witchfever

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