November 2024
    M T W T F S S

    In short, I’m tired of having to read detailed sex scenes that add nothing to the story and just make a legitimate book feel like it’s devolved into fanfic smut. It feels so forced and out of place at times as if the author was desperately trying to convince me they’ve definitely had sex for real before, and at this point it makes me really lose interest fast. I’ve only just got back into reading again recently and basically haven’t read anything since the harry potter books came out when I was a teenager, so I’m unfamiliar with most books over the past few decades and don’t know where to begin.

    I’m also not asking for pg, it can have sex, violence, drugs, etc. but as with everything moderation is key, if there is sex that isn’t unnecessarily detailed and is actually relevant to the story that’s fine, but honestly I’m just gay and reeeeally tired of having to read about straight sex all the time when I don’t have to.

    I like a mixture of more wholesome fantasy, and dark fantasy, and since I’m quite new to reading I’m really not sure what I’m asking for exactly either, so please suggest anything you might think I’d like, and thank you in advance ❤️

    by TanukiChaos

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