September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello, I sometimes stutter, struggle speaking and pronouncing words, copy accents unintentionally, all this to the point where I on occasion sound like english is not my first language. This keeps bleeding into my reading by way of subvocalization.

    When I was younger I barely subvocalized, and reading was a much more enjoyable fluid experience. Over time the narrator in my head has gotten louder and more obnoxious, and I can’t read anything without ‘saying’ it (i don’t move my lips, but my narrator sounds like how i speak with all the very annoying flaws)

    Due to how choppy I sound, it makes it hard to understand what I am reading and stay focused, I have heard that subvocalization can be good for comprehension, but I read much easier without it.

    I have tried

    \-eating while reading

    \-counting while reading (I do not understand how this helps, I am now just hearing 2 voices with one of them counting, its even more distracting)

    \-listening to music (i’m almost always doing this anyways)

    \-using my finger to keep track of the words

    \-those frame things that only show small sections of a page at a time

    \-those websites that show a single word at a time


    \-tapping my fingers

    I know this question has been asked before, but I didn’t find anything I found I have not already tried.

    Also, I am not sure if its fully relevant, but my brain processes speech oddly because I’m autistic, and adhd runs in my family so focus is already a major issue.

    Sorry for the long post, and thank you for reading!

    by wagnyp101

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