Title. Opened this up on Christmas, I think she could tell I was a little confused despite my best acting job but I said thank you and all that. At the end of the day I’m just happy she pays attention to my interests and stuff. But I mainly just found it funny and sorta confusing because she seemed to know a lot about the book… except for the biggest part of its reputation and the people who think it’s great.
Neither of us share any political inclinations anywhere close to what Rand has come to represent, and furthermore my mom’s not the type to read something from a contrarian point of view. I think she legitimately had no idea it’s a libertarian Bible of sorts, and she hasn’t read it. We do live in a largely conservative area though so I’m thinking maybe one of her friends recommended based off her son liking it or something without mentioning the political interpretations.
Anyway, not much a point to this post, just a funny anecdote I thought this sub might be able to relate to. You guys ever get any well-intentioned books gifted/recommended to you that just completely missed the mark taste wise?
by RogerTreebert6299