September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I think most of us are aware that most of the books that have been pushed in reading spaces and publishing are most often written by white authors in the perspective of white characters. I think bc of that people think that simply reading non-white books is the be all and end all. But I think not. I think we can all benefit from reading books that are not just racially diverse but culturally diverse, ethnically diverse, politically diverse, and religiously diverse.

    ‘I don’t read books based on the background of the author’ well, neither do I. But when I realized that many of my books are from a European or white American POV, I decided to consciously seek out stories written in the perspective of BIPOC or other kinds of demographics which more often than not is written by BIPOC or that said demographic. Like of course be selective and let it be a book you’re actually interested in. No one is saying to suffer or to give up your preferences bc I guarantee you that there are amazing works written by non-white or non-whatever kind of authors in your favorite genres that you are not aware of. Search for stories and books written in a different POV than what you usually expose yourself to or from your own.

    “But I can’t relate to them” you don’t have to look like the main character to enjoy the book. I feel like the whole thing about reading diversely is so that you can empathize and understand people different from yourself in whatever aspect that is.

    Here’s a quote that summarizes the value of reading diversely “ I believe in literature’s power to cross borders and walls. I have experienced fiction’s ability to erase mental boundaries of nationalities and prejudices, and its ability to reach the human core of people, so I hope my works will make there feel the same experience.”

    Thank you for reading 🙂

    by Odd-Examination7475

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