October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I want to start this off by saying while I believe I am intelligent I don’t think I was nearly smart enough to understand this book fully without others insight. I believe there are much smarter people than me on here and I wanted to get insight on my notes from this American best-seller.

    Common Sense

    * The Bible speaks out against monarchs. Who used to say they had divine rule? But how can one have a divine rule from the Almighty when He speaks against it?
    * Men who believe they were born to reign become insolent. They do not know the needs of the common man because they believe they and only they are right.
    * When a monarch is too young or old. It can be taken control of by government officials and controlled for their gains, and not to the benefit of the commoners
    * Hereditary rule is said to prevent civil wars yet in England you had the war of the roses
    * England didn’t have a true republic due to political corruption with the crown. The crown influenced the house and engrossed the commons.
    * The King serves no purpose but to disadvantage a nation. Whether it be declaring unnecessary wars or impoverished nations making sudden changes to benefit the crown.
    * The King made $160,873,656.21 at this time
    * America could flourish without European Influence, which was Great Britain at the time. We have proven this by becoming a superpower now and the greatest country ever.
    * GB only protected us for their benefit
    * The only reason France/Spain were enemies of America was because of GB
    * England used a parent country line saying since the citizens of the Americas were of English descent they should rule. But William the Conqueror was of French (Norman) descent. By that rule, they ought to be ruled by France.
    * There is no advantage to being attached to GB due to the fact Europe would still buy our goods and want to be able to use America as a port.
    * However, an attachment only drags this continent into European wars.
    * There is no reconciliation
    * England can’t properly govern a continent so far
    * The King makes laws for America doesn’t have to suffer or live with them while in GB
    * The King is more likely to accept a Bill in England
    * England damaged the relationship too much for reconciliation
    * The continental government has worked. Everyone has been in unison towards one goal.
    * Thomas Paine explains Congress and a 3/5 majority
    * England’s navy couldn’t stand as a whole. It was stretched then.

    Thank you for the help if provided!

    by ImARealLlama

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