July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I have read a good quantities of books by now, not too many to be difficult to reread them all but not to few to be considered amateur, but despite that and only really knowing 20-40% of the books that I’ve read I can’t for the life of me reread them

    Not just books I can’t rewatch movies and anime either, I have the mentality of “I don’t know the day of tomorrow and how long I will be alive” so I just watch and read the best of the best (or at least try to) and after finishing each one I just move on to the next fully aware that if not for spark notes I would have missed the majority of the content

    The only books that I plan on reread are the lovecraft ones, where I literally read them all and can’t remember a single thing

    by jaobodam

    1 Comment

    1. gokartmozart89 on

      Pretty rarely. There’s too many books out there I’ve never read before, so it’s hard for me to justify re-reading something.

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