September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I think that there is so much to do with Peter Pan, creators can explore many aspects of the story, the personality of the characters, the world. Since there are many retellings out there, I wouldn’t be surprised if a producer decided to make a version inspired by Peter Pan books.

    A Peter Pan retelling that I have read is Darling Girl by Liz Michalski. Although it wasn’t one of my most favourite books, the concept was clever and very unique compared to other stories I’ve heard.

    I haven’t read Lost Boy but I have heard many positive reviews about it and I think that it would work perfectly for a film. There is just so much to explore and while we have OUAT, a movie like that would give a different glimpse to Peter Pan and Hook’s characters (especially since it’s closer to the original material).

    Of course there’s a chance that we will most likely get shitty remakes but a person can only dream…I just think that the story is very interesting to be wasted since it’s in public domain and I’m sure that there are many people out there who can create a great movie inspired by retellings. Give me more dark versions or versions which focus on different parts of the story but don’t mess it up!

    by -greek_user_06-

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