July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi! So, books in title are probably my favourite books of last 10 years and they all have something in common – supernatural or mythological elements, very much connected to real problems, history etc. Do you have anything more to recommend? I don’t like the Greek Mythology revival trend books, even though I enjoyed Circe. I am also not looking for fantasy/scfi settings. I also did not like Life of Pi very much, not my style. Thank you very much!

    by BrotherKaramazov


    1. fragments_shored on

      “Exit West” by Mohsin Hamid is magical realism centered around the contemporary refugee experience and is excellent.

      “The Tiger’s Wife” by Tea Obreht is about civil war/conflict in an unnamed Balkan country, and it’s right on the line of folklore and magical realism in that the author leaves it open to the reader to decide if the fantastical elements are real or fabricated.

    2. Fun-Daikon-7185 on

      Maybe try Fayne by AnneMarie MacDonald, or Fall on Your Knees by same author.

      Fifth Business by Robertson Davies.

    3. – _The Death of Vivek Oji_ by Akwaeke Emezi
      – _The Bone People_ by Keri Hulme
      – _The Famished Road_ by Ben Okri

      All have magical realism (supernatural) and it’s used similarly to the novels you’ve mentioned.

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