September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi everyone – I’m 26(f) and haven’t read a book for personal fun since I was a kid . This year I want to start reading and spend less time scrolling. I went to the library today and was
    overwhelmed and didn’t know what to pick up.

    Below are some of my interests/dislikes- and if you have any book recommendations that fit any of these interests I’d greatly appreciate it! :

    I’m a huge true crime junkie, mostly for cult/religious cases. I often listen to podcasts and watch documentaries about them. I’m interested in other true crime as well, but get squeamish at some of the more brutal cases

    I don’t really like fantasy/mythical books or movies. I love reading shocking or thrilling things

    I appreciate a good cry. I love a good twist to a story as well. I think I like romance novels.

    I’d like to read an emotional thought provoking book about navigating my late 20s

    I’ve always been interested in learning more about medical mysteries, or unique diagnoses

    by mmwg97

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