September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi. I don’t know if this allowed but I am asking for a book reccomendation for my dad.

    Lately, more so the last couple of years, my dad has been very subconciously negative. Not towards our family, but moreso of his outlook on life. He grew up very poor and had a really rough childhood, I’ve tried to get through to him that he needs to start seeing the glass half full but he is in full denial of the thoughts and vibes that he brings out into the world. So much so that it is affecting my mom and the rest of my family, as in that we hate tolerating with it. These negative thoughts consist of mainly just being jealous having very low expectations of himself. (A great way to describe this is to say that he takes Murphy’s Law straight to his heart.)

    I come here to ask you all to help me reccommend me a book that I can get for him before I head back to college. Anything works. If anyone knows a non-fiction/realistic fiction story book that you think would help, that would mean so much to me!!

    Thank ya’ll so much, I’ll answer any more questions if needed and once again I am so sorry if this is not the place for this type of post!!

    Thanks again.

    by sodaforclub

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