July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I have been thinking since I finished the Martin Eden-Jack London. Some books have secret parts that his hidden from the editors. They are hidden because if writer just want to publish that part editor will not let them publish it. So some writers make it in a huge story and some how mange to hide it perfectly which makes the ditor wont see it.

    Schachnovelle(chess)-Stefan Zweig, Fahrenheit 451, Improbable, Congo Requiem…

    I believe that some parts of these books were not necessary to contain in it but they are in there and it is bot easy to understand. I asked my friends about it but none of them thought like that before.

    Do you guys think it might me happen something like that or I am just making up something out from the books?

    by AchmedThedead

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