September 2024
    M T W T F S S


    I have a problem with overthinking, indecisiveness and with perfectionism for just about everything in life and its really annoying. It affects my relationships, my confidence, my enjoyment of things and things I purchase.

    It causes stress and anxiety for things that other people around me wouldn’t complain about.

    I’m particularly picky about cleanliness, organization, scratches on my devices and maintaining them in near perfect condition, the way my clothes fit me, and if products I buy were actually of the quality I expected for the price. This leads me to return a lot of stuff, so much so that the people who know me well will either gift me gift cards on special occasions or put the receipt in the box with the present because they know I might return it

    This has been a problem for over 20 years (so since I was 7 or 8 years old) and I would like to change this.

    I am looking for a good book to steer me in the right direction for the new year so I can live more stress free and let things go, if it’s even possible.

    Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated as there are so many books out there for this and my indecisiveness doesn’t help me in the process.


    by Purplezergling

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