September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Here’s the deal. It’s 2024 and I am branching out. To say I am well-read is a vast understatement. I read a hundred+ books a year across multiple genres. This year though, I want a challenge. That’s why I am giving you a chance to vote for 12 of the books I will read this year. One for each month. The 12 books I add to my TBR list for the year will be the 12 most upvoted PARENT comments. If you want to recommend a book, make your own comment.

    There are no rules. Troll the hell out of me if you want. Vote up 12 thousand page books. Vote for Danielle Steel. Give me 12 of the worst books, 12 of the best books, 12 books published before the 1900s. I don’t care.

    In order to keep it fun, I will post a review for each book suggested to me here. I will post them in /r/books so you will need to follow there if you want to see random ass book reviews popping up.

    I will choose the 12 books based on the most upvoted comments starting 36 hours from now, so fire away!

    Edit: No rules was too bold. One book per comment now. One comment per Redditor

    by DarDarPotato

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