September 2024
    M T W T F S S


    I hope everyone is having a great time rn, and if not, I hope you’re at least proud for still keeping going!❤️

    I am just wondering whether I could get some book recommendations! I am a NOTORIOUSLY picky reader, I don’t mean to be, I just have such a short attention span (ADHD lol) that I really need a book to be amazing for me to get into it.

    My favourite books are:
    – Priory of the Orange tree & Day of Fallen Night (queer rep, plus I love love love Arthurian kinda stuff)
    – She who became the sun (plus sequel) – so so brutal, captivating story, just overall my top reads of 2023
    – anything Becky chambers – I’m a sci fi nerd at heart although I definitely prefer fantasy books (sci fi I prefer with TV shows, massive Trekkie here!). I love the character focused nature and the world building
    – The House Witch by Delemhach. Healthy male MC?? A rarity. I love the magic, the characters. I love everything about it, and these books are my second favourite of 2023
    – Modern Divination – I really loved this one despite it really not being my usual taste. I usually hate urban fantasy but idk yearning and dark academia. Howl coded love interest

    Things I love:
    – great characters (they matter more to me than plot)
    – queer rep (in fact this is a prerequisite and I don’t read anything without it in)
    – medieval fantasy, especially including medieval court politics
    – Dragons! All kinds of mythical creatures

    Things I hate:
    – too much smut (no hate, just not my thing)
    – YA. I’m sorry lol I really really don’t enjoy the vast majority of YA
    – first person narration

    I’m just wondering if anyone has similar tastes and can recommend anything! I’m open to other genres too, I just prefer mostly fantasy. I swear I spend more time looking for books than I do reading!

    Thank you!

    by Jayesartokel

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