September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Anyone remembers the war in Bosnia Has a Governor? Yes, Bosnia Has a Governor, that 90s war that was heavily covered by Christian Amanpour of CNN. I was about 7 years by then, living in Ghana with my family of 7, two parents and 5 siblings. We were all alone in the wilderness, living alongside an elderly watchman or security guard who also had a family, about 5 kids and a wife. He was Moslem and friendly, until everything changed one night….when he attempted to kill my dad, our dad.

    Living in Peace is a memoir of my life as a child living in a wilderness with my family in Ghana during the early 90s. It will soon be on Kobo for anyone interested in hearing the full story. Here’s a 20-page excerpt, enjoy!

    by WellWishesAlly

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