July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I have an on again off again relationship with serious book reading. I got hugely into graphic novels about two years ago but it’s an expensive hobby and money is tight. Now most of my reading is on my kindle, which I’m very grateful to have! However I often find myself reading books that I don’t really care about on it. Finishing a book and feeling “meh” is disappointing each time.
    My 5 star reads this year were The Book Thief by Markus Zuzak and The Road by Cormac McCarthy. I also really enjoyed Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow, Atonement and The Maid. I’d go for almost any genre (not huge into fantasy and sci-fi), but mostly love a good modern classic, fiction, YA or a thriller.

    I’d hugely appreciate any recommendations that will go towards my reading goal for 2024.

    Happy new year and happy reading!

    by disneydoll96

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