September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi all! I’m a first time poster here. I rekindled my passion for reading in 2023 and have enjoyed many excellent genres and titles since starting my journey. I have always loved fantasy books and adore Tolkien and Martin. In the last 10-15 years fantasy seems to have developed more sub genres which is actually really nice. It makes it easier to define what I like or want in a particular book.

    I find myself gravitating towards more grimdark fantasy now and I am looking for something specific in my next title. I just read The Shadow of the Gods by John Gwynne and enjoyed it a lot. I loved all those strong female characters and the lore was just..*chefs kiss*. The only thing I was slightly disappointed about was the lack of actual sex. I’m not looking for something smutty. I just want a good story that involves actual physical connections of some kind. Something along the lines of ASOIAF. Doesn’t have to be romantic sex and it can be any pairings really but F/F would be awesome if it exists. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated! Thank you!

    by MaezyDayz

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