July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    How much do you read everyday day and When do you do it? Like do you read for 30 minutes before bed everyday? Maybe you specifically only read on the train on the way to work or something…or maybe you just read as long as you want whenever you want!
    Or maybe you just read a certain number of pages everyday.

    I’ve been trying to be more spontaneous with my reading lately because I’ve always kind of limited myself to reading at a certain time or a certain amount. Anyways that’s the end of my rant and question. Appreciate this subreddit and any answers are also much appreciated!

    Reader from Wisconsin

    by swayed84d8


    1. 1-3 hours after dinner depending on how I feel. I usually aim for 100 pages but sometimes I’ll do more or less.

    2. IronFleshAutomaton on

      Usually around 50 pages.

      I usually dont have a set time, I tend to take “sips” like mentioned in Stephen King’s On Writing. He recommends incorporating reading into you regular day, even if it means taking it with you to the grocery store and just reading a little at a time. A little can add up until you are able to really sit down.

    3. outlandishness2509 on

      Day and night, whenever I want, as long as I want. It’s a rare night I don’t fall asleep while reading.

    4. I aim for at least an hour a day. Sometimes I hit it, sometimes I’m under and sometimes over.

      I audiobook so when doing housework is usually a good time, sometimes on commutes and then at night after dinner.

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