September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I have this bad habit of when I read a particularly suspenseful book, with chilling undertones or themes, I tend to internalize them a bit too much. This book was no different.

    Real fast, the summary courtesy of Google Books:

    “The only thing Winter Crane likes about Reeve’s End is that soon she’ll leave it. Like her best friend did. Like her sister did. Like most of the teens born in town have done. There’s nothing for them there but abandoned mines and empty futures. They’re better off taking a chance elsewhere.
    What Winter will miss is the woods. Her only refuge. At least it was. Until the day she found Lennon left for dead, bleeding in a tree.
    But now Lennon is gone too. And he has Winter questioning what she once thought was true. What if nobody left at all? What if they’re all missing?”

    We recently moved to a mountainous area so of course, every noise had me ready to fight. I read this all in one night because to put it down would be too spooky. I sincerely want to throw this out there as a recommended read. Fair warning, the ending is a bit weak though but this author is so great with foreshadowing. Disregard nothing. You’ll find in a lot of her work that she includes a bunch of details, might mention a green rock, and you’ll think, “oh that’s nothing” only for the green rock to be the only detail that mattered.

    The point of this post though is to see if any of my fellow bookworms are like me. Has there been anything you’ve read that has had you slapping on all the lights in your house for a bathroom break or a quick drink in the kitchen?

    by Thatonemilattobitch

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