July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    In my tiny, rural New Hampshire village there is a group of us who were declared “Nasty Women” on the town Facebook page by the local peanut gallery because we did things like organize a town gay pride event, protest the banning of books at the school library, and other such suffragette behaviors. We love the title and we have decided to form a book club.

    We’d love to read some titles (preferably fiction) that would be thought provoking and challenging. We are all very liberal and very inclusive, so trans, LGBTQIA+, Black, Latinx authors/subject matter is welcome.

    Titles that most of our members have enjoyed in the past include The God of Small Things, The House on Mango Street, Giovanni’s Room, The Bluest Eye.

    What say you? What should be our first Nasty Women’s Required Reading?

    by JeffreyBlahmer

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