September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    not quite sure how to word this … but im looking for fiction books with main themes of resilience , and embracing love and life after hardship! there’s a quote in ‘call me by your name’ that says “but to make yourself feel nothing , so as not to feel anything , what a waste” and i’d love to read a book where this sentiment is enforced .

    this is a theme i want to connect with in the upcoming new year . i’ve made myself a harsh person this past year due to all the difficulty 2023 has brought , but i want to get in touch with my heart again . i’ve read self help books but they don’t seem to resonate . a more emotional approach is something i think could hit for me . perhaps a story where the mc relearns trust ? i need a read that reminds me of the softness and joy of life and of other humans .

    by Crazy_Roll5776

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