July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I was hoping to add The Count of Monte Cristo to this list, but looks like I won’t be able to as I still have about 700 pages left to read.

    So, here is my 2023 humble brag read books list. Feel free to comment and critique!

    The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle – Haruki Murakami

    Empire of the Summer Moon – S.C. Gwynne

    The Fifth Season – N.K. Jemisin

    The Obelisk Gate – N.k. Jemisin

    The Stone Sky – N.k. Jemisin

    No Country for Old Men – Cormac McCarthy

    The Green Mile – Stephen King

    Tinker, Tailor, Soldier Spy – John le Carre

    If It Bleeds – Stephen King

    Holly – Stephen King

    The Outsider – Stephen King

    The Wind Through the Keyhole – Stephen King

    Revival – Stephen King

    The Devil All the Time – Donald Ray Pollock

    The Poet – Michael Connelly

    Snow Crash – Neal Stephenson

    The Color of Magic – Terry Pratchet

    Child of God – Cormac McCarthy

    The Concrete Blonde – Michael Connelly

    The Crossing – Cormac McCarthy

    The Black Echo – Michael Connelly

    Firestarter – Stephen King

    The Black Ice – Michael Connelly

    The Night Fire – Michael Connelly

    All The Pretty Horses – Cormac McCarthy

    The Road – Cormac McCarthy

    Blood Meridian – Cormac McCarthy

    Joyland – Stephen King

    The Eyes of the Dragon – Stephen King

    A Confederacy of Dunces – John Kennedy Toole

    Perdido Street Station – China Mieville

    The Great Book of Amber: The Complete Amber Chronicles – Roger Zelazny

    Blaze – Stephen King

    The Forever War – Joe Haldeman

    The Three-Body Problem – Cixin Liu

    The Dark Forest – Cixin Liu

    Death’s End – Cixin Liu

    Black House – Stephen King

    Valor – John Gwynne

    Ruin – John Gwynne

    Wrath – John Gwynne

    by dionysist

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