September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Everyone has their own opinions on books, that’s very clear. What works for someone, won’t for someone else, but I find that there are a few people who’s opinions on a book I generally trust (be that booktubers, people on booktok, people on here etc…). Obviously I’ve had a few scenarios where books have been ‘hyped’ up by online reviewers who’s tastes & opinions I usually agree with, only to end up reading the book and going “??”.

    A recent book I can think of that fits into this category for me is ‘A Dowry Of Blood’ by S.T. Gibson. I had this book on my tbr for a while, multiple people referred to this book as being great enough to be ‘a modern classic’. I was exceptionally excited, and deliberately saved the book to read during October. I read it, finished it… didn’t hate it. It was fine. The books prose was occasionally wonderful, but often times felt like an attempt to be naturally flowery which it wasn’t always able to do. There was a lot of repetition, both in vocab and plot. The main character, Constanta, (Dracula’s first bride) lacked character. Genuinely, I cannot tell you anything individual about her other than her eventual move to free herself from her abusive situation. These moments were powerful, maybe her lacking her own individuality was the whole point, I was in her head for 300 pages and really can’t point out much of a character. I won’t go on, we could be here for a while, but that’s the basic jist.

    What books suit this question for you? What books did you have high expectations for due to recommendations from friends and trusted reviewers but didn’t hit the spot for you? What books did you desperately want to love but couldn’t?

    by According_Bat_8150

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