September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hiii :3 so one of my most favourite books I read this year was Invisible Women: Exposing Data Bias in a World Designed for Men, by Caroline Criado-Perez. It’s a brilliant read if you are new to feminist theory and topics alike. It’s just full of information, references every line. It talks about feminist issues, but in light of data bias. As in why having a data bias that disfavours women leads to issues in our current world we don’t know how to correct since we don’t even have the studies or data to know precisely how to remedy it

    Another book I enjoyed this year was Colour Harmony in your Paintings, by Margaret Kessler, which taught colour theory but in light of oil painting lessons. And The Visual Language of Comics, by Neil Cohn, which talked about comics in light of linguistics. And I have been really enjoying these types of books, books that explain a topic in light of another. I find them much more engaging and better at explaining than books that just teach a topic which can often feel very dense and textbooky. Plus, since the main point of these books isn’t necessarily to teach a topic you don’t know, but relate two topics with each other to make their points, which makes you connect things and realise things, and that stays with me better than just being told things. Seeing how this one thing can be seen through the eyes of this other topic.

    So I wanna ask for more books like this, if anyone knows of any. Books that explain a topic in light of another topic, like how Invisible Women tells about feminism through telling about data science. They’ve been some of my fav books this year <3

    by Lesbihun

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