September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I teach grades 9-12 and I’m trying to compile a list of amazing poems and short stories (1-100 pages) that my students will fall in love with. This is the Tik Tok generation so stories with slow starts that don’t get the readers attention right away won’t cut it. I also find that reading fatigue is a huge problem with my students so the ideal story or poem would be one that can be read in one or two classes. I’m not looking for a list to help my advanced students who are capable of reading novels with no problem but for the students who were pushed along the system and reading well below grade level (but my school dictates our readings are on grade level regardless of student ability so no middle school texts will do either). Also modern language is essential. As good as some of the literature can be, my students are really turned off reading English from the 19th century or earlier. Anything come to mind?

    by Ill_Control8536

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