July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m not sure if this is allowed here, please remove it if it isn’t.

    Basically the title. I have a few cute bookmarks that I’ve had for years but they’re worse for wear at this point. I’ve tried going to my local Chapters/Indigo (I’m located in Canada) and they only have really boring paper bookmarks for sale. I prefer metal or fabric ones which are cute with a twist, yknow? I also tried going to my local independent bookstores, same thing. Checked on Amazon, same thing. I tried Etsy but each bookmark’s shipping costs the same or more than the bookmark itself!

    I’m at a loss. I feel like I used to be able to pop into any bookstore and find a cute bookmark but they’re all so drab now.

    Anyone have any other ideas/suggestions?

    by asuddendaze

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