September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I have just finished the book, and what a journey, so twisted and messed up but so good at the same time.

    I believe the ending can subjective, and hence why I came here.

    *”Gripping the receiver, I raised my head and turn to see what lay beyond the phone box. Where was I now? I had no idea. No idea at all. Where was this place. All that flashed into my eyes were the countless shapes of people walking by to nowhere. Again and again I called out for Midori from the dead centre of this place that was no place.”*

    I really want Watanabe to be happy with Midori, but this last lines just messed it all up, all I can naturally think of is just bad ending, weather he ended up catching this disease or maybe him calling after he realised after finishing the book.


    by C0untingNightmares

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