September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi, everyone just finished The Song of Achilles and was looking for any other books similar to that love story. I really like love stories that just happen to be between two men rather than the story being centered around a gay love story. For example, I really have no interest in Heartstopper. I don’t want the ‘being gay’ part of the story to be the story if that makes sense?? I really liked TSOA because of the relationship Patroclus and Achilles had and that it was just a relationship, they weren’t centered in identifying what they were, they just fell in love (and no one around them really cared). I’d also prefer not to read anything TOO spicy, I understand sometimes that comes with the territory. I’m okay with a bit or like light mentions of it but I don’t want erotica. Happy or sad endings, that doesn’t matter to me. Thanks!! :)) Just got back into reading after a LONG time away and am really excited for the first time in a while!

    by ASingularCruhsont

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