September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Alright, so I’ve always had this picture in my head and want to read a book in such a setting. I’ve tried asking ChatGPT and also scoured the internet trying to describe it to Google, here’s my last straw.

    It should be set in an old timey field-like suburb — green/yellowish fields with a cottage maybe. Buuut also I want it to have a mysterious plot and at the same time have a feel good vibe. Maybeee a bit like Enid Blyton’s Famous Five but more mature.

    Not to seem annoying but I would also like it to have a good amount of fantasy as well. And maze runner’s dystopian vibes.

    TLDR: Please suggest a book (if it exists) consisting the following:

    – set in a nice old timey village/cottage, beauty and the beast kind

    – an aesthetic/vintage vibe

    – good amount of fantasy (more sci-fi)

    – mystery (the mind blowing kind)

    – a tinge of the maze runner’s dystopian vibe

    – little to no romance

    by RobinH-007

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