July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello! I’m looking for something to read that is akin to what Hoyoverse does to it’s game with the whole Elemental Magic system in Genshin Impact for example

    Here’s what I’m envisioning:

    * Elemental magic or elemental manipulation
    * This elemental magic needs to be within “hard magic system” boundaries or at least close
    * Preferentially not modern. I’d rather read fantasy or sci-fi settings rather than modern ones
    * Action! I’m really looking out for action and combat scenes

    Now, I know Avatar and Stormlight exist, and I’ve some of it. Right now, I’m looking for something else (it’s not that I didn’t like them, I just want to branch out).

    If what you’re thinking doesn’t quite fit the margins set, please, do comment it nonetheless! I might find it interesting either way as long as it is somewhat within what I enjoy

    by WaffelsBR

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