July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello all! I have gotten some wonderful recommendations from this place in the past and back for more! We just listened to Starter Villain by John Scalzi on audiobook and loved it! For starters, the narrator was excellent. The book itself was hilarious! I think we would both enjoy something similar with great humor and just wild situations such as in Starter Villain, I won’t go into detail for the sake of spoilers, but along those lines of fiction but not just ridiculous fiction. We specifically would like an audiobook because we commute together so will listen to it in the car. Thank you all in advanced!

    To sum up, we are looking for a good story with lots of humor, but something we can both enjoy. Not political, controversial, or any mess like that. And clean, not looking for any sort of erotic novel either…

    by SqueakyNinja7

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