September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    SO I read this book back in about 2011/2012 when I was in middle school so its definitely an older book. I dont exactly remember the title but It was a coming of age story of a little black girl in nyc. Its the start of her summer vacation and while her mom was happy about her getting a semi decent report card her older teen brother gets arrested for selling stolen goods or something close along those lines.

    I cant remember the exact reason why but she decided to start saving money for herself, I think it was to help her brother out of jail but also might have been out of anger and wanting something for herself that her brother can’t take. Since she was like 11/12 she couldn’t get a real job, she found a ticket stub of a man who needed a garden to clean up his yard and this little protagonist decides she’s gonna do it! And obviously he’s a very grumpy man who wants someone experienced to do the job so he gives her a shot.

    Overall the “garden” isn’t really as much of a garden, it’s really just rocks and weeds. She does the work proving herself to him that she’s capable and to his surprise leaves painted flower on the garden rocks eventually almost filling his year with them. It’s the start of this really good found family where he teaches her alot about life and just wants to be there for her.

    I loaned the book to my childhood friend and then I moved, and then she moved and then we fell out of touch. Over the years I forgot about until my coworker randomly handed me a rock his daughter painted and the book was the first thing I thought of but i could never remember the name of the book. If any one knows what im talking about or knows of something similar id love to read it again.

    by Sea-Winter-9974

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