July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    There is no other way to describe my predicament. I think reading is cool and want to enjoy it so badly, but I’m so terrible at it. I think the last time I’ve actually gotten through a novel in English was 2020, and this was to practice my grammar skills in another language. When I came back to English this year, I realized I was totally unable to focus and have to reread every sentence to hammer the idea in my head.

    I used to be good at reading even. I could finish a book a day in my prime. Maybe it is because of the use of TikTok and other similar apps? My attention span has been siphoned to the point where I need constant stimulation to focus on many things.

    The other day, I tried to read Camus’ Myth of Sisyphus. I looked up a summary and the points appealed to me, but I was so confused the entire time. I ended up putting the book down after 10 pages because I was tired of reflecting on every single sentence to barely grasp a meaning.

    How do I regain my attention span? Have you guys ever been in this situation before? If so, what did you guys do to get out of it?

    by risa0272

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