September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello everyone! I’m trying to find a book I read about 4 years ago, but can’t recall the exact title. It might be something like “42 Days” or another number followed by a word (days, perhaps?), but I’m not entirely sure.

    **Cover:** The book had a light-colored cover with an illustration that suggested another planet.

    **Theme:** It’s a story about a person who dies on Earth and is transported to another planet. Initially, the protagonist believes he’s in “heaven”.

    **Story Elements:**
    \- The protagonist is welcomed by “angels” who explain the situation.
    \- The main character encounters a group of rebels. These rebels reveal that only certain deceased people are transported to this planet, and they want to escape the control of the “angels”.
    \- There’s a special vapor used by characters to observe their former world as spirits.
    \- It turns out that the “angels” are actually malevolent creatures using the energy of the transported humans for their own purposes.

    **Memorable Scenes:**
    \- The main character immerses in a whitish viscous liquid source to gain transport powers, which causes headaches.
    \- There’s a significant interaction with a girl on Earth.

    **Format:** It’s a novel of several hundred pages.

    **Language:** I read it in French, but I’m not sure about the original language.

    Can anyone help identify this book? Any leads would be greatly appreciated!

    by Noferu

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