September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    why. just why. why did he have to DIEEEEEE!!!!!!! before i read this book i thought maybe this book would be a star-crossed lover situation or unrequited love. but no. HE HAD TO DIE? AFTER ALL THAT???? first of all why wasnt sylvie wearing a seatbelt, finny seems like the type of guy to tell someone to wear their seatbelt even if he’s about to break up with them, he’s the type of guy to do that because he CARES. anyway, finny died because when sylvie was thrown out the car she was on the pavement and nearby was a fallen electrical line. since there was water everywhere when he went to go check up on sylvie he obviously put his hands down onto the pavement somehow and there was water, the water had been electrically i dont know like electric and then he touched the watery floor and he was electrically shocked and died 🤦🏻‍♀️😦. i knew he was going to die when the author said in the end of chapter 83 “it began to rain” thats when i started to prepare myself for finnys death, i didnt cry when finny died, i cried when autumn was telling how finny died, i shed like only two rears but they were tears that came from deep down in my heart. i felt soooo bad for her i cant even imagine losing someone like that. I kinda had a feeling she would be pregnant, and how did finny so easily have sex with her without protection he didnt even need any convincing bro. and the tiara thing she had going on was a bit um uncomfortable but i guess that what was unique about her, she didnt care about what others thought. when autumn was stopping finny from going to break up with sylvie i got so annoyed at her, like let the poor boy go. and then. yeah he died. I heard theres a pt 2 of this book coming out in feb soooo. anyway it was bad cuz of the sad ending if it didnt end sadly it wouldve been 10000000/10 (also so mad at finny for not confessing his feelings like c’mon mannnn)

    by Desperate_Draft_2539

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