July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Divergent. Harry Potter. Percy Jackson. The school for good and evil. The selection. The giver.

    It’s a reoccuring theme in many (former) mainstream fantasy or dystopian books. The worldbuilding, or a big part of it, depends on the categorization of people, depending on either their personality traits or their social class. And I’ve been wondering, why?

    Maybe it could have to do with questioning identity. In puberty, you want to find your place in society, and it would be way easier if you could either be good or evil, a Gryffindor or a Ravenclaw, a resident of cabin 4 or cabin 6. The world seems like a chaotic place when you’re 14 and eager to become an adult. Putting people into boxes, putting yourself into a box is definitely something, the first step, the beginning.

    What do you think?


    by usernametakenb1tch

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