November 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Liked: the setting (magical things and how it intertwines with ‘the real world’), the disturbing stuff (changes to facial bone structure, faces falling off, mass mind control at the theater), author did a lot of research and it shows, did not hold the reader’s hand (lot of ‘negative space’ to fill in), Toby (though he could have played a bigger role)

    Disliked: Peter’s (author’s) constant thirsting, forgettable side characters, even the characters I did like (Nightingale, Lesley, Molly) were average, the river gods and esp. goddesses, repetitivevness (Peter’s father’s substance abuse mentioned multiple times despite being irrelevant), convoluted and at certain points nonsenical plot

    Question: Do the other books contain more of what I liked or disliked? 😀 Thank you in advance

    by ambiguousparadigm

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