September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Books that make you think

    Book recommendation help

    So, context… I am new to casual reading as I am trying to change my morning habits. To do so, the plan is the read along with audiobooks to engage a bit more untill the habits stick.

    As far as books go, I’m looking for ones that are mentally engaging. Maybe a morally ambiguous character, plots that inspire empathy or some other specific emotion. Like, a psych thriller where you read to find out something about the character as well as yourself. That’s kinda what I’m looking for. I’ve really enjoyed The Memory Collectors by Kim Neville and The Midnight Library by Matt Haig.. and I’m thinking about starting They Both Die At The End of the local library has available… But I am very much looking for others to add to the library. Whatever keeps me away from the TV.. ya know

    If you have any suggestions, I’m happy to hear! Thank you in advance.

    by former_cheffy

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