September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi everyone,

    I feel like I’m having a really hard time finding a book that fits this “in-between” category.

    Basically, I have a long history of dating abusive people. My exes from many years ago were physically abusive and OBVIOUS jerks and I’ve come a long way to not dating people like this.

    However, I still have a “blind spot” so to speak when it comes to being manipulated or having partners be emotionally abusive. Like I don’t let men scream at me, hit me, call me names, break anything, or exert control in overt ways such as finances or who I can connect with etc etc

    so I have gotten much better at spotting your classic cases of abusive behavior but now i date men who are much more insidious and passive aggressive. they turn cold and callous when they are displeased and are cruel in other more covert ways.

    usually by the time this happens im quite heartbroken and confused.

    But when i look for books on this topic they all focus on domestic abuse in its most egregious forms such as rape and physical assault.

    these books are super triggering to read and honestly fucking exhausting and sad.

    i just want a book about how to spot a manipulative asshole in your every-day sense, not a book on “how to escape a man who wants to kill you probably because all abusers are sociopaths who are willing to risk jail”

    Has anyone experienced this or have any suggestions?

    by Admirable-Drag6031

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