September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Needed to add more info so here goes;

    The book is about Tash who meets fellow mothers of toddlers at a playgroup that she frequents with her own young child. Simultaniously, she attempts to unravel the mysterious death regarding a nanny that used to work at said playgroup.

    Overall, I really enjoy Faulkner’s writing style, it fits my reading pace perfectly and her prose is simple yet captivating. She’s kind of like my comfort writer, to get me out of reading slumps; she writes gripping thrillers that aren’t too deep or heavy.

    Now as for the title, spoilers, obviously.

    I don’t understand the final chapter, the one from Sophie’s perspective, 7 weeks before her death. She sees Jez at the coffee bar and he walks towards the wetlands at the end. Is he just going to visit Christina? Or is some other twist implied? The ending feels a bit lackluster to me..

    by kd9n3fi3n1

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