September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I am a slow reader. I’ve had this book for a couple of months now. It’s so easy for me to read manga/ comics but books not so much.

    I just wanted to share my thoughts on chapter 10.

    Chapter 1 was gripping when she was trying to figure how to come out as lesbian to her parents. But I don’t feel like the chapters after that are as gripping.

    Long distance relationships are hard. She moved out of town briefly for a project and is trying to keep her long distance relationship going. But for the last couple of chapters she has been mentioning how attractive other women are. Her and Lanie (her gf) have not spoken about polyamory or an open relationship. And I know long distance relationships are hard and all. Anyways I was a little upset that she had the hots for other women while she’s in a relationship, but at least she never acted on it.

    Then the end of chapter 10 happened. After trying to call Lanie a few times since she was out of town. Lanie finally picked up and instead of having a catch up conversation on anything Lanie just basically said “I’m busy, don’t call me unless it’s an emergency or your project is almost done.”

    So that was not a good response from her either. Their relationship dynamic is on a rocky hill. And if it keeps going like this I think they should break up. Or if it doesn’t go like this, I am curious on how they will fix their relationship and bounce back from the rocky ness of this. All I can say now is I am unhappy with both characters recent decisions.

    Otherwise, I don’t usually read any lgbtq stuff, so it’s pretty interesting to get some perspective into that world. I just feel that it may e could have been represented a bit better by this point in the story. I will continue reading.

    That is all for now.

    by Neftroshi

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