September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    First time poster, I got this book for Christmas this year and was excited to read it. My expectations were high and the beginning caught my attention –

    but then quickly fell apart.

    This has to be one of the worst books I’ve ever read. Not only is it not scary, but it’s repetitive, nauseatingly saturated with ham-fisted God symbolism/imagery ( 2 out of 3 stories feature a literal crucifixion), and borderline incomprehensible at times.

    Some highlights:

    – Tapeworm pregnancy/birth ????
    – Smashing a salamander with a rock for kink reasons
    – Being a sex pest at work and getting fired for it
    – Predatory lesbian stereotype

    – ‘Science has proven there is no afterlife, mass suicides follow!’
    – Cheating on your husband with an Angel who may or may not also be your husband’s estranged son
    – A literal crucifixion
    – Body horror…..kind of….but stupid
    – ghosts????

    – A guillotine in some freak old man’s attic

    I don’t know man. I just had to get this off my chest. I don’t know WHO told this author his stories were worth telling but they lied.

    0/10 would not recommend. Maybe 4/10 for being so batshit insane I spent over and hour picking apart and laughing at this piece of shit with my BFFs.

    by sharkbuddie

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