September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    What are some classic literary texts similar to *The Master and Margarita* or *Don Quixote?*

    As in, epic in scope and theme, but also does not lie within the traditional conventions of grand narratives. This is what I mean: something subversive and categorizable to this literary canon of larger-than-life stories.

    What is stylistic and engaging, not in terms of a reaching attempt to say something profound, but joyous in the process of reading, whilst encompassing and balancing different modes of interpretation?

    I am looking for the exact opposites of *Ulysses* that actually accomplish what *Ulysses* sought to do.

    (I am a fan of Milton’s *Paradise Lost,* but am not sure whether to use this as a prime example for what I mean, as I find a massive discrepancy between the scholarly reception and public reception of this epic – that is to say, I believe his juxtaposed, emotive forced often mistaken, perhaps co-opted, for a one-sided puritanical interpretation. As a result, this false hegemony disrupts (what I feel to be) Milton’s paradoxical beauty, his sublime mixture of transcendent imagery and on-the-ground wisdom).

    by SmartRadio7226

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