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    This book by Gerald Schoenewolf (me) is getting rave reviews, like this one in Amazon:

    >5.0 out of 5 stars A Literary Gem
    Reviewed in the United States on October 7, 2023
    “Lizzy” is an absolute literary gem that deserves every one of its five stars and more. In this biographical novel, the author, a psychoanalyst, has masterfully crafted a profoundly immersive and exceptionally authentic portrayal of the enigmatic Lizzie Borden, offering readers a captivating journey into her mind and life.
    This book’s commitment to authenticity while acknowledging its fictional nature is what sets it apart. Drawing from numerous sources, including court records, previous biographies, and his novelist’s sensibility, the author has painstakingly pieced together Lizzie Borden’s story. The result is a narrative that feels both compelling and genuine, even as it delves into the creative realm of fiction. Including dialogues, expertly woven into the history, adds a dramatic flair that brings the story to life.
    The choice to tell Lizzie’s story from her point of view is a stroke of brilliance. It allows readers to step into her shoes, experiencing her life from childhood to the events preceding the infamous murders, the trials, and her life after that. The author’s use of streams of consciousness and unconsciousness to explore Lizzie’s inner thoughts adds depth to her character. This deep dive into her psyche is a testament to the author’s skill as both a psychoanalyst and a novelist.
    The book is not merely a biography but a work of literature in its own right. It seamlessly blends fact and fiction, creating a narrative that is as captivating as it is thought-provoking. As readers, we are not just observers; we become intimate witnesses to Lizzie’s striking life, relationships, and struggles. Her complex character is brought to life in a way that leaves an indelible mark on the reader’s psyche.
    Throughout the book, the author skillfully navigates the nuances of Lizzie’s life, including her relationship with the actress Nance O’Neil and the depression that ultimately led to her death. It’s a poignant exploration of a tragic figure, shedding light on the various facets of her existence.
    In “Lizzy,” the author has remarkably balanced historical accuracy and creative storytelling. The result is a work that is as informative as emotionally resonant. This book is a testament to the author’s literary prowess and profound understanding of the human psyche. Whether you’re a fan of true crime, historical fiction, or academic exploration, “Lizzy” is a must-read that will leave a lasting impact. It’s a triumph of storytelling and an unforgettable journey into the mind and life of Lizzie Borden.


    by gerewolf

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