September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Just a little rant I guess, to see if anyone agrees.

    I recently started reading the book, and while I’m enjoying it so far, the author’s frequent use of other people’s narratives to describe how incredibly hot, sexy, and cool Daisy is makes me roll my eyes every time it comes up.

    I get it, you want us to know what the character looks like, but one time is truly enough. I mean – people just don’t talk that way? If somebody asked me to describe a friend I wouldn’t go “Oh yeah, X was just so incredibly charismatic… She used to wear those hoop earrings, you know, and her hair was like, super long, and when she sang she had this sexy raspy quality to her voice that made everyone ecstatic… There was no one like her. Everything she did, she did flawlessly, even though she was this super complex human being… Incredible, just incredible.”

    I’d probably just say “She was cool and attractive, and had a really good voice”.

    by lovise466

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