July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    This hit me because for so long I’ve loved The Belgariad series by David Eddings.

    One of the main reasons was because of the way the familial relationships were. I loved that so much and then found out a while ago that both David Eddings and his wife Leigh were convicted of 11 counts of physical child abuse and were each sentenced to a year in jail.

    It’s obvious from their writing they knew how a loving family should behave and all the things to do, but then to be abusers, just gave me an extra helping of pissed offed-ness at them.

    I went to read it the other day and when I started I just had to put it away after a couple paragraphs and realized I’ll never be able to read it again.

    by I_had_a_name

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